Talks and presentations


  1. “AI and AFM Assisted Structure Prediction of Protein Complexes.”, NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, NVIDIA GTC 2025, San Jose, California, USA.


  1. “Deep Learning for 3D Protein Structure Prediction from AFM Images.” Biomedical Engineering Society, BMES 2024, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


  1. “Multigrid Deep Learning for 3D Structural Topology Optimization.” 17th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.


  1. “Virtual AFM: Generating Synthetic 2D Multi-view Images from 3D Protein Structure.” Biomedical Engineering Society, BMES 2022, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

  2. “Deep Learning Guided Navigation of Live Cells for AFM.” Workshop on Scientific Machine Learning: Foundations and Applications at, TrAC, Iowa State University 2022.


  1. “Deep Learning Accelerated Topology Optimization.” NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, NVIDIA GTC 2021. (Online)

  2. “Physics Aware Machine Learning for Structural Topology Optimization.” 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, USNCCM 2021. (Online)

  3. “Deep learning frameworks for structural topology optimization.” Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering and Technology, MMLDT 2021 (Online)